OR_DEM_10M.gdb is a folder, but it is the “file” that ArcMap or ArcCatolog will read. It contains many files …. See the list here: ftp://ftp.gis.oregon.gov/elevation/DEM/Statewide_Filegeodatabase/OR_DEM_10M.gdb/ One is 9 GB … ftp://ftp.gis.oregon.gov/elevation/DEM/Statewide_Filegeodatabase/OR_DEM_10M.gdb/a00000029.gdbtable Use a good FTP utility like WINSCP. Point it to ftp://ftp.gis.oregon.gov/elevation/DEM/Statewide_Filegeodatabase/ Download OR_DEM_10M.gdb and it will grab all the component files in the subdirectory. WINSCP instructions: > New Site LOGIN TAB File Protocol: SFTP Host: ftp.gis.oregon.gov Port: 22 User: anonymous Pa55: yourname@youremailaddress.com Then "Login" You may be prompted to accept an SSH certificate from our server. Accept it You need all the contents of the directory. If you don’t have a folder named OR_DEM_10M.gdb with all the component files in that directory, your software will not recognize it as a Geodatabase. Other option, if you don’t need the actual file you can point ArcMap or your software to our REST service … http://navigator.state.or.us/ArcGIS/rest/services/Framework/Elevation_DEM_10m/ImageServer